September 16, 2024, marks the debut of a groundbreaking (30-minute) cable talk show that will redefine the conversation around disability and inclusivity. "RAWVILLE, USA" is more than just a show; it's a vibrant celebration of diverse experiences and remarkable achievements. Each episode will spotlight ordinary individuals who navigate the world with unique perspectives and challenges, sharing their stories of triumph, resilience, and creativity. Hosted by the Mayor of RAWVILLE, USA, M. Michael Shaps, he brings
candid conversations, inspiring interviews, and a commitment to breaking down barriers. Michael is a published author, a Disability Advocate for over 40 years, and a current Commissioner on the Somerville Commission for Persons with Disabilities. "RAWVILLE, USA" aims to illuminate the multifaceted realities of disability, challenge stereotypes, and foster a deeper understanding of the rich tapestry of human potential. Watch History in the Making and join us from 7-8 P.M., at the West Branch Library- 40 College Avenue, Somerville, as we embark on this transformative journey, amplifying voices that deserve to be heard and honored. All are welcome. There will be a small discussion afterward. Light refreshments will be served.
This is not a library sponsored event. Contact with questions.