West Branch Singalong with Cathy (tickets required)

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Submitted by Anonymous on

Join us every Tuesday at 11am at the West Branch for a super fun singalong with Cathy!

Please note that the West Branch Singalong is now ticketed.

To comply with the City of Somerville fire code and provide a more enjoyable experience for all, tickets are now required for Singalong and will be distributed in the Children's Room beginning at 10am (first come, first served). In addition to being safer, this allows children to better experience early literacy benefits, such as learning to listen carefully and repeat what they’ve heard, which boosts vocabulary and language skills; and developmental benefits, such as paying attention and learning to be part of a group.

We offer many other programs, including a Singalong with Alison (all ages, Tuesdays at 10am), Baby Lapsit (birth - prewalking, Thursdays at 11am) and Storytime (for kids who can and want to sit and listen, Fridays at 11am). Check out the library’s calendar for full program listings and other information: www.somervillepubliclibrary.org/calendar.


Jane Philbrick, West Branch Manager jphilbrick@somervillema.gov

Alison Mitchell, Children’s Librarian, amitchell@somervillema.gov

West Branch Community Room
Start Time: 
11:00 AM
End Time: 
11:30 AM

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