Kamishibai Japanese Paper Theater Storytelling & Craft at West

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Join Yumi Izuyama as she hosts a Kamishibai (Japanese Paper Theater) story about Acts of Kindness! After the story, we will work together with Kendall to make a paper kindness quilt.

This program is best for children 3yrs and older.

Yumi Izuyami is a second generation Japanese Brazilian Storyteller (fluent in Japanese, English, Portuguese & Spanish) who loves sharing stories using a traditional traveling Japanese paper theater.  This program is presented in English, but Yumi is always excited to meet & greet families who may speak Japanese or Portuguese!

Kendall Inglese is a working STEM educator artist and founder of Lark Learning STEM.

Questions? Contact Alison: amitchell@somervillema.gov

Kamishibai at East - July 17

Kamishibai at Central - July 23

West Branch Backyard
Start Time: 
11:00 AM
End Time: 
11:45 AM

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