Kamishibai: Japanese Paper Theater Storytelling & Craft at East

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Join Yumi as she hosts a Kamishibai (Japanese Paper Theater) story of “Leticia Goes Kayaking” and learn about animals, big and small, that live on downed logs and tree holes. A fun arts and craft activity with Kendall will follow the story. For children 3 and up. Japanese and Portuguese speaking families are encouraged to attend! 

This event will take place outside in East's backyard, weather permitting.

Yumi Izuyami is a second generation Japanese Brazilian Storyteller (fluent in Japanese, English, Portuguese & Spanish) who loves sharing stories using a traditional traveling Japanese paper theater.

Kendall Inglese is a working STEM educator artist and founder of Lark Learning STEM.

East Branch Lawn
Start Time: 
11:00 AM
End Time: 
11:45 AM

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