Community Emotional CPR

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This is an introductory Emotional CPR (eCPR) workshop. eCPR is a public health education approach that teaches people to assist another person experiencing emotional crisis or emotional distress. eCPR is based on values of mutual support and interpersonal communication. The purpose of eCPR is to revitalize people’s sense of self and build connection through feelings and facilitating empowerment by allowing peer-to-peer support. Just as CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) supports the physical heart, eCPR supports the emotional heart as a form of emotional resuscitation. The approach relies on an experiential and unfolding process of expanded listening as co-mindfulness that includes embracing mutual support and reclaiming our connection to self and others.

In Community eCPR, we use the practice of Emotional CPR to cultivate a kind of listening to address the disconnections from the level of the individual to the interpersonal and community. We give and receive space and permission to feel our feelings, nurturing a kind of shared presence towards collective healing. This is about community building and recovering connection for all of us living on this planet in this moment as we search for each other amidst the pandemic, climate chaos, privatization, isolation, separation and the related despair we are feeling. Through eCPR, we learn how to support somebody in the presence of others and we allow this process to serve as a conduit for recovering a sense of belonging to each other. Community eCPR is a way for us to find each other.

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Trainers: Dr. Daniel Fisher, MD, PhD and Caitlin Fisher, MSc

West Branch Community Room
Start Time: 
6:00 PM
End Time: 
8:30 PM

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